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The human lifespan has dropped significantly due to a variety of factors that have accumulated over time. Even though the things resulting into this unfavourable effect vary, one of the most profound causes in in the type of foods we eat. Normally, we all base our diets on processed or cooked foods which either subjects us to a wide array of toxins or deprive our bodies of the nutrients we so much need to lead long healthy life.


The first step to combating this is by emphasizing on unprocessed food like sprouted chickpea hummus. Although foods are normally processed so as to increase the shelf life, they develop a negative impact on the level of nutrients. A good example could be in the way processed vegetables have a lower nutrient percentage in comparison to fresh vegetables.


The procedures used in preservation of foods sometimes introduce toxins in them. While food preservatives might have no impact to your health upon use, a continued accumulation of these products in your body over time could have very negative effects.


Fresh food is only good if it was produced in a good way. Most of the commercial farmers insist on the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and hormones to increase the total yield per square space. Even though this might make the crops grow faster, it has a profound impact on the nutrient and toxin levels of the produce. Check out for tips on how to eat a raw meat diet.


The result of such a farming venture is huge produce that has a lot of toxins and low nutritional value. The choices you make when it comes to organic foods and vegetables has a direct impact on your body. Always consider locally produced foods since they do not contain a lot of chemical substances.


Since replacing your normal diet with organic food like raw buckwheat granola might mean going vegetarian as eating raw meat is risky, nutritionists advocate for a balance of the two. The best way to approach this is by increasing the percentage of the raw foods in your meals whilst still keeping a few yummy cooked morsels to even things out. In this way, you will get the nutrients you desire without making your meals boring.


When you choose a good raw food diet, you will get that desirable meal that you have always been dreaming of. This will give you the right combination that guarantees you of the very best nutrients in a meal without being a bother. It helps you avoid all the chemicals in processed and commercially produced foods while avoiding cooking will help you avoid denaturing the vitamins and other nutrients in the foods you eat.

Why You Need Raw Food Products 

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